We offer All-in-One energy storage solutions and full-lifecycle services to bring value to our customers.
Global Network
Project Economic Assessment
Project Origination
Digital Management
Risk Management System
C&I and Utility Scale Energy Storage Product
End to End Comprehensive BESS Solution
Full lifecycle Service
Operation and Maintenance
Power Electronics
System Integration
Battery Safety and Life-cycle Optimization
Energy Management
Grid Interconnection
MARS RENEWABLE is born to be a global energy storage player. Our European operation first took root in Spain and now we have teams in full function in Italy and France. Our R&D, testing, and system integration offices and facilities are located at the Yangtze River Delta region in China.
MARS RENEWABLE is committed to becoming the global leader in energy storage technology and storage asset origination. We believe our solutions and technologies will greatly help to accelerate the deployment of energy storage and renewables worldwide, and to empower our customers to achieve their ESG and sustainable vision. We were blessed that we were backed by two top world investment institutions: Sequoia China and CDH Investment in this process.